Timings & Dates may vary.
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If In Any Case training is cancelled by Organizers due to any reason, we will refund the fee after deducting Bank Changes.
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R is a well-developed, simple and effective programming language which includes conditionals, loops, user defined recursive functions and input and output facilities. R has an effective data handling and storage facility, R provides a suite of operators for calculations on arrays, lists, vectors and matrices.
Syllabus Of R Programming
Introduction to R Programming
Business Analytics
Analytics concepts
The importance of R in analytics
R Language community and eco-system
Usage of R in industry
Installing R and other packages
Perform basic R operations using command line
Usage of IDE R Studio and various GUI
R Programming Concepts
The datatypes in R and its uses
Built-in functions in R
Subsetting methods
Summarize data using functions
Use of functions like head(), tail(), for inspecting data
Use-cases for problem solving using R
Data Manipulation in R
Various phases of Data Cleaning
Functions used in Inspection
Data Cleaning Techniques
Uses of functions involved
Use-cases for Data Cleaning using R
Data Import Techniques in R
Import data from spreadsheets and text files into R
Importing data from statistical formats
Packages installation for database import
Connecting to RDBMS from R using ODBC and basic SQL queries in R
Web Scraping
Other concepts on Data Import Techniques
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) using R
What is EDA?
Why do we need EDA?
Goals of EDA
Types of EDA
Implementing of EDA
Boxplots, cor() in R
EDA functions
Multiple packages in R for data analysis
Some fancy plots
Use-cases for EDA using R
Data Visualization in R
Story telling with Data
Principle tenets
Elements of Data Visualization
Infographics vs Data Visualization
Data Visualization & Graphical functions in R
Plotting Graphs
Customizing Graphical Parameters to improvise the plots
Various GUIs
Spatial Analysis
Other Visualization concepts